Postnatal Class

Pre & Postnatal Yoga Offerings

Private Zoom Pre & Postnatal Yoga Packages  


Pre & Postnatal Yoga package - In this package you and your your partner will receive yoga before and after the birth of you baby.

  • 3 Prenatal Yoga classes 

  • 1 Partner Prenatal Yoga workshop 

  • 3 Postnatal Yoga classes 

  • 1 Partner Postantal workshop 

Fee $450


Prenatal Yoga provides specific poses and breathing techniques for the pregnant mama. We will do poses that target specific muscles and joints that are impacted throughout pregnancy and labor, while relieving many pains and discomforts of pregnancy. Prenatal yoga is a great way to develop strength, flexibility, endurance, and breath control to prepare for labor. This package can be taken either as an individual pregnant woman or as a couple.

Includes 4 one hour individual sessions to be completed during pregnancy. 

Fee $200 or $275 (for 90 minute classes)

Postnatal Yoga focuses on strengthening and restoring alignment of the body postpartum. Postnatal poses work to relieve tension, create energy and re-strengthen the core. We will also do poses to help relax and rejuvenate your body. With or with out baby, your choice.

Includes 4 one hour individual sessions.  

Fee $200 or $275 (for 90 minute sessions)